African American Poetry For Children

Celebrate Black History Month

Celebrate Black History Month

This February, let’s be sure to celebrate Black History Month with our children.  There is so much for them to learn.

            One website that has a considerable amount of information for children about Black history is   It is filled with creative guidance so that children learn from a variety of sources.  Here is some of what it has to offer:


            •Video interviews with children’s book authors and illustrators

            •Link to Poetry for Children website that showcases poetry by African Americans

•Link to StoryCorps Girot, which is a website filled with “the voices, experiences, and life stories of African Americans (so that they) will be preserved and presented with dignity.”  Storytelling is an honored African tradition and this website seeks to celebrate the important part it has played in the lives of African Americans.

•Recommended activities for the home and classroom

•Writing activities

•Recommended books for children

•Recommended television programs

             Please take advantage of all that this website has to offer to promote Black history.   Moreover, I encourage you to celebrate it all year long with your children, not just for one month!

 For more information, please visit the site at: