Who Can Make Reading More Fun Than Grandparents?

Making reading fun and interesting takes special skills and who are best able to master those skills than grandparents.  They have the ability to bring stories to life.  What about silly voices? Grandparents can do that!  What about silly facial expressions? Grandparents can do that too.  What about encouraging children to interact with the stories – such as pointing at colors or pictures or predicting what might happen next?  Grandparents are experts at that as well.  What country did a grandparent originate from? Grandparents can teach about their birth countries. 

The love of reading begins when a child is very young.  The more encounters they have with books, the more they will enjoy reading.  Usually, grandparents have the time and the desire to spend quality moments with their grandchildren.   Parent should encourage their own parents to give their grandchildren the irreplaceable gifts of love, time, and creativity.  By doing so, parents will be encouraging the development of the love of reading in their little ones in the unique ways and with the special touches that only grandparents can provide.

Author Soraya Diase Coffelt