4 Ways To Help Your Children Keep Their Promises

4 Ways To Help Your Children Keep Their Promises

             As Christian parents, it is important for us to raise our children to know and understand the importance of making and keeping promises.  Psalm 145:13 tells us unequivocally that God is trustworthy in all His promises.  That means we can rely on His Word all the time – not just sometimes.  A promise should not be something that is idlely made as once it is given, the person making the promise needs to follow through. 

            How can you instill in your children the importance of keeping their promises?  Here are 4 ways to consider:

  1. Model to them what it is to be a promise keeper.  It takes character and integrity.  I frequently say that children do as we do, not as we say.  Do you make idle promises?  When you make a promise, do you not follow through?  Do you make a excuses for not fulfilling a promise?  Our children observe our behavior, and no matter what we say, they will imitate our actions.

  2. Let your children know from an early age that they must be accountable and hold them to that expectation.  When they make a promise, be there to help them follow through to ensure that they live up to what they say.  If no one holds them accountable and expects the best of them, they will likely not follow through and get into the habit of making “excuses” to justify their inactions.  Don’t let that happen!

  3. Look for teachable moments and discuss them with your children.  When a relative or friend follows through on a promise, be sure to discuss that with your children.  When a character in a movie or television show, makes and keeps a promise, point that out to your children and talk about it.  

    Additionally, there are many good children’s books about keeping promises, both Christian and secular.  Spend some fun time with your children reading and talking about them.

  4. Give them praise when they fulfill their promises.  Let them know that you are aware of what is happening and what they have done and are proud of their accomplishment. 

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