The Tremendous Benefits That Reading 20 Minutes A Day Has on Your Children

how reading 20 minutes a day impacts the brain'

       Yes, you read the title of this blog post correctly!  Studies have shown that your children can read for just 20 minutes a day and have tremendous benefits. 

       What are these benefits?

  • Your children will be exposed to a tremendous amount of new vocabulary.   By reading 20 minutes a day, or being read to, your children will have been exposed to 1.8 million words a year.

  • They are likely to score in the top 90th percentile on standardized tests.

  • Their brains will be activated allowing them to develop stronger and healthier brains.

  • Their imaginations will be enhanced.

  • Their writing skills will improve as they learn about putting thoughts and sentences together.

  • They will be more relaxed and ready to sleep at bedtime as their stress levels will be lowered.

  • They will develop empathy as they learn about different peoples and cultures.  


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