5 Ways Parents Can Guide Their Children to Live by Faith

Instilling strong values and guiding principles in children is one of the primary responsibilities of parenthood. For Chrisitan parents, the desire to see their children live by faith is paramount. Faith, after all, offers direction, hope, resilience, and a moral compass.  According to Hebrews 11:6, “you can never please God without faith.”  TLB.  Here are five strategies to ensure that your children grow up with faith as a guiding force in their lives.

1. Lead by Example

Children are impressionable and often look up to their parents as their first role models. If you want your child to understand the importance of faith, it is crucial to lead by example.

Live authentically: Your genuine practice of faith will speak louder than any lecture. Whether it is through daily prayers, meditation, attending religious services, or serving others, let them see you in action.

●  Face challenges with faith: In moments of crisis, exhibit calmness and truly believe that things will work out because you are a child of God.  Find scripture verses to stand on.  As your children observe you, this instills in them the power of faith during adversities.

2. Introduce Them to Inspirational Stories

Literature and storytelling are powerful tools to convey the essence of faith.

Choose age-appropriate books: Start with simple stories for young children, and as they grow, introduce more complex ones that highlight the role of faith.

●  Share personal experiences: Your own life stories and those of other family members, where faith played a significant role, can be an invaluable lessons for them.

3. Encourage Questions and Open Discussions

Faith is not about accepting everything without questioning. It is about asking, exploring, understanding, and framing one's beliefs according to the Bible.

●  Create a safe space: Encourage your children to ask questions, even if they are challenging. Address their doubts and concerns with patience and go directly to the Bible for answers.

●  Engage in thoughtful dialogue: Rather than giving definitive answers, stimulate their thinking by asking them questions. Let them develop their own understanding of faith.

4. Foster Community Involvement

A sense of belonging and community can solidify their connection to faith.

Attend community events: Whether it is a church service, a community gathering, or a charity event, involve your children. This exposes them to a community that values faith and service to others.

Encourage friendships: Friendships with peers who share similar faith values is affirming for children and will help them navigate the challenges of growing up.

5. Facilitate Opportunities for Service

Service to others is a tangible way to practice faith. It reinforces the importance that faith is not just about beliefs but actions as well.

●  Participate in community service: Engage in regular activities as a family. It could be volunteering at a local shelter, participating in charity drives, or helping a neighbor in need.

Encourage acts of kindness: Small, daily acts of kindness can be as impactful as large-scale projects. Teach them that every act of kindness, no matter how small, is an act of faith.

Things to Uphold and Remember

Remember, guiding children to live by faith is a journey, not a destination.  It is more about the seeds you plant and nurture than the immediate results you see. Emphasize the journey, celebrate the small victories, and trust that with time and consistency, your efforts will bear fruit. Remember to live by example as well.