Meet Katie - The 9 Year-Old Whose School Gardening Project Turned Into Katie's Krops and Now Is Feeding Many in Need

Katie’s story is a heart-worming one that will inspire your children! How did an elementary school gardening project turn into her life’s work to help feed people who are hungry?

When she was in 3rd grade, Katie had a gardening project in her backyard where she planted cabbage seeds. Before she knew what had happened, she had raised a 40-pound cabbage.

As Katie describes it:

I knew my cabbage was special and it needed to find a special home. Every night before dinner, my father reminded my brother and I how blessed we were to sit down to a healthy meal. Many families struggle with hunger or rely on soup kitchens for what might be their only meal of the day. One night at the dinner table it came to me, I knew what I needed to do with my cabbage. I wanted to share it with families struggling with hunger and food insecurity.

With her parents’ help, she donated her cabbage to Tri-County Family Ministries, a local soup kitchen in North Charleston, South Carolina. She was invited to serve her cabbage as a part of a meal for those in need, and she did. 275 people ate that day from her cabbage.

This project sparked in her a love of growing vegetables and helping those who need food. As an adult, she established Katie’s Krops, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping youth start their own gardens and donate their crops to feed the hungry. There are over 100 gardens in 30 states across the United States. According to her website, “thousands of children across the country are getting their hands dirty working to end hunger in their communities.”

To learn more about Katie and Katie’s Krops, please visit: