11-Year-Old Hero

Inspiring Your Children: 11 year-old Hero Davyon Johnson Saves an Elderly Woman from a House Fire and a Classmate from Choking

child wearing a superhero cape

             What an amazing true story this is! Davyon Johnson is just 11 years old and attends 6th grade in Muskogee, Oklahoma.  December 9, 2021 proved to be a very exciting and memorable day for him and others. 

            While in school, one of his friends tried to open a bottle of water with his teeth.  The cap came off and went down his throat.  The boy said, in a whispering voice, “I’m choking, I’m choking.”  Davyon had seen the Heimlich maneuver on YouTube videos and went into action, squeezing the boy’s abdomen.   He saved the boy’s life!  His principal said: "He's just a very humble and old spirit.  He's responsible, reliable, friendly, just a kind soul."

            Then, later that day, he and his mother were in a car on their way to church.  As they drove down a street, she saw what she described as smoke coming from a house.  Davyon asked his mother to turn around and as he ran toward the house, he observed that it was on fire.  Everyone had escaped except an elderly woman who was struggling with a walker.  He ran to help her and guided her across the street, far from the fire.

            What did Davyon have to say at the end of his day? "It makes me feel incredible that I saved two people's lives in one day."  When asked why he did what he did that day, Davyon said that he knew that was what his father would do.  A few years previously, his father had entered a burning apartment complex to make sure everyone was safe, and he was not a fireman.  Sadly, his father had passed away that August due to Covid.

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