Christian Comic Books

Comic Books for Boys and Girls That Plant the Seed and Spread The Gospel

a child riding a horse

       Both my sons grew up reading comic books and I think that it is a wonderful way to promote reading as well as teaching about the Gospel.  At a recent homeschool convention where I was an exhibitor, I met Brian Bradley, the president of Kingdom Comics, which is a Christian outreach ministry.  I was very impressed by the comic books he had and his desire to spread the Gospel through this unique form of ministry.

       On its website,, Brian wrote the mission of Kingdom Comics:

Through the publication and distribution of our printed materials, it is our mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By presenting the Gospel in comic book format, we are able to reach a culture that may otherwise be unreached. While this includes adolescents and young adults, it has also included those incarcerated. In addition, our books have been used as teaching tools for youth ministries.

        If you would like additional reading materials for your children, please visit this website and consider purchasing some of the comic books.  Brian has comic books for boys and just published one for girls.  They are filled with all types of adventures as well as exciting illustrations from artists all over the world.  And, most important, they promote the Gospel!