Courageous Women

Teach Your Children About Successful and; Courageous Women Today, in Our Past History, and in the Bible

Courageous Women

Women’s History Month started off as just a weeklong celebration of the contributions of women in history. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued a proclamation that the week of March 8 would be dedicated to honoring women as National Women’s History Week. Congress later expanded the celebration to one month. The National Women’s History Alliance selects the theme for each year and this year’s theme is “women providing healing – promoting hope”, which focuses on all the women who have been dedicated to their families and communities during the Covid pandemic and the hope women have brought.

Let us spend time this month teaching our children about the important contributions that women have made and continue to make. There are many websites with lesson plans and lots of activities for children as well as recommendations of books. I have provided some for you below.

Also, the Bible has stories of many women who were very faithful and courageous, accomplishing great things for the Lord. Author Lauren Nelson wrote a children’s book titled Sheroes of the Bible which is beautifully illustrated and tells the stories of heroines for God. A link to her website is provided below. I recently interviewed Lauren for my podcast Be Convinced! Sharing Stories of Hope. She has an inspiring story to share that will bring you hope! Please visit this link to listen to the interview Ep. #61.

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