January 11

Celebrate International “Thank You” Day on January 11 with Your Children

Celebrate International “Thank You” Day on January 11 with Your Children

        Did you know that there is a day especially set aside internationally to celebrate “Thank you”? I have written before about the importance of gratitude and wanted to encourage you to celebrate “thankfulness” as well.

        The origin of “thank you” is not known.  People have used written forms of communication since the early days of the Egyptians and Chinese dynasties.  The word “thank” appears to have developed in the Middle Ages.  The Europeans exchanged greeting cards since the 1400s and it is believed that in the 1500s and 1600s, saying “thank you” became well-used. 

        In regard to the specific origin of International “Thank You” Day, it is believed that it began around the early 1900s.  In 1902, an editorial in The New York Times first mentioned that day.

        Why is it important to say “thank you”? This quote from globalmagazine.com expresses some reasons:

Every year January 11th is observed as International Thank-You Day. We often forget to say thank you because we take it for granted. It is important to express your thanks to people who have made your life better and happier. A person’s excellent manners will be shown by the words he or she uses.


        The link below has a list of 28 Bible verses that all refer to being thankful.  Consider setting aside 28 days and going over one of these verses with your children each day.  Talk about it with them and even help them to memorize some.  Catch them when they are being “thankful” and emphasize how important that is.  At the end of the 28 days, have a game to find out who remembers the most verses and give out prizes.  If you make learning fun and rewarding, your children will truly enjoy learning and most importantly, incorporate what they have learned into their daily actions which will eventually develop into habits.

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