Ways to Show Children Love

Are Your Children’s Minds Blooming?

Are Your Children’s Minds Blooming?

I love this quote and how it applies to the minds of our children.   Their minds are indeed like flowers – they need lights of appreciation, encouragement, and love so that they can bloom and keep on blooming.  Please ask yourself: are you doing as much as you can so that your children’s minds bloom?

            Let’s start first with the light of “appreciation”.  According to Merriam Webster’s online dictionary, appreciation is defined as “a feeling or expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude.”  We parents often expect appreciation from our children for all we do for them.  But, what about us showing and speaking words of appreciation to our children? We can think of ways to show our appreciation by intentionally looking for what we can, in fact, appreciate. Perhaps you can thank your children for assisting with getting dinner ready.  You can express admiration for how neatly they put away their toys or clean laundry.  You can express your approval of their behavior when they have listened and followed through with a request you made.  The key is to be intentional about looking for what you can appreciate in them.

            Second is the light of encouragement. Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines “encourage” as “to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope”.   Actively seek ways to give your children encouragement.  If they are struggling with specific subjects at school, try to assist them with ways to improve.  If they are encountering setbacks with their performance with sports or other activities, give them hope to continue.  Parents are their children’s #1 cheerleaders so be there to encourage them on!

            Third is the light of love.  Showing that we love our children requires our time and our words, both spoken and written.  Set aside quality time each day to spend with your children, whether reading or watching television or playing a game or even getting ice cream.  The activities that we can do with our children are endless.  The key is to have fun and not be distracted by other things as we spend time with them.  Add to that telling them daily that you love them and explaining why you do.  Look for reasons why, or just say “because”.   Consider writing loving notes to them and include those in their lunchboxes. What a wonderful feeling they will feel when they find and read those notes of love!

            Flowers can bloom when they get regular light or they can shrink and die when they don’t.  Shine bright lights on your children’s flowering minds so that they continue to bloom heartily!