as the stars of the sky

What Are You Depositing?

What Are You Depositing?

              I think this quote from Pastor Charles Swindoll is so true!  As parents, we must remember that we are constantly making memories with our children.  What are you depositing in their memory banks?

            How often do you spend time with your children? Whether it is eating a meal with them, driving them to school or an activity, or reading bedtime stories to them, we spend quite a bit of time with them so we should be cognizant of the fact that we are depositing into their lives each and every moment that we are together.  And, being together includes not only physical presence, but also via the phone or internet.  

What are we depositing into their memories?  What will they remember of us?  What will they learn from us?  These are all very important questions that we should ask ourselves on a regular basis. 

If we think that we only deposit into their memories on special occasions, we are wrong.  Of course, special occasions are important, but it is our everyday deposits that will last the longest in their memories. 

I have adult children now and I still try diligently to continue to make good deposits into their memory banks.   And, I will continue to do that as long as I have breath!  Let’s continue to give our children, young or old, precious memories to remember!

As Christians, We are Called to Pray for our Leaders

As Christians, We are Called to Pray for our Leaders

As the day for our major political elections draws near, Christians, more than ever, are encouraged to pray for all those in authority over us.  In 1 Tim. 2:1-2, the Apostle Paul makes it clear that praying for those in leadership enables us to live a quiet and peaceable life.  Moreover, verse 3 provides that it is good and pleasing to God for us to do this.

            As most people, I am so displeased with the constant criticism and personal attacks made against those in governmental leadership positions.  It really saddens me to hear and see this happening! 

            Christians must rise up and do what we are called to do – pray!  There is no doubt that prayer can and does change things.  Let us pray individually and collectively for our country and leaders. 

The Importance of Children Having Pets

Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.
— Groucho Marx

When my children were growing up, we usually had a dog and a cat for them to play with and take care of.  Research has shown that pets have an important role in the lives of children.  They teach compassion and love; responsibility; and companionship.  Often, they provide security to a child.  

It’s very important though to make sure that your family has the time and energy to take care of a pet, especially a dog.  If you get a puppy, understand that a lot of time will have to be invested training the puppy, especially if it is to be an indoors pet.

 One of my sisters recently bought a puppy at a fundraising auction for her children’s school.  Yes – the puppy looked oh so cute.  But, little did she know what they would have to endure as a family with a new puppy – constant yipping, going to the bathroom all over the house, barking at everyone, etc.  It is now almost 9 months since she purchased the puppy, and things have improved, but after much struggle.

There are many adult dogs and cats that can be adopted too.  Take the plunge if you haven’t already.  A pet adds a special dynamic to your children’s lives.

Author Soraya Diase Coffelt