“Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”
We just finished the Christmas season with gift giving being an important part of the celebration (of course, with Jesus at the center of it all). Many of us gave or received beautiful and expensive gifts. But did you know that your children are also precious gifts from God?
What have we done with those gifts we received this Christmas that were “precious” to us? Of course, we made sure that the gifts were well taken care of, safe and protected because we certainly do not want anything to happen to them. They are too important to us. We also spend time with those gifts, whether it is wearing them or driving in them, or going somewhere special with them. Since the gifts are so valuable to us, we want to make sure we spend significant time with them, not just a few minutes.
As gifts directly from God, don’t your children deserve such treatment, and even better? Think about ways that you can make your children feel that they are such precious gifts too you each and every day. Please don’t skip a day, though, because their memories can be short.