parental affection

The Tremendous Impact that Parental Love Has on Children’s Development

            I recently read an online article at the website Parenting for Brain titled How Parental Love Helps a Child Succeed in Life.  That website offers “science-backed advice” empowering parents with “easy-to-understand, evidence-based guidance”.  I love the information in the article and wanted to share it.

            Parental love is shared with children through actions, such as hugs, kisses, and holding hands, and through our words, such as giving compliments and telling them that we love them.  On the other hand, there is parental rejection – just the opposite of showing love and concern. 

            In a Harvard University study of 268 of its graduates over 70 years, researchers found that “happy and successful lives are rooted in a good relationship with parents”.  There is no doubt that parents are key to their children’s development and well-being.

            Here are some of the ways that parental love benefits children:

  • Better physical health

  •  Higher self-esteem

  • Good social relationships

  • High academic achievement

  • Better mental health and emotional regulation

            Of course, the reverse is also true.  If children do not get the love and positive feedback from their parents, all sorts of problems manifest, from being twice as likely to develop physical illnesses and suffering from depression and other forms of mental illness.

            Decide now to give more hugs and kisses and speak more positive words to your children.   Watch them bloom!  Read the entire article at