Where are Your Children’s Roots Drawing Nourishment From?

Where our children draw their spiritual nourishment from is very important.  The Bible often uses the tree analogy to describe a man.  Colossians 2:7 states that we are to “let our roots grow down in him and draw our nourishment from him.” (TLB).   

Just like huge redwood trees, our children are grand and awesome, with their potentials being limitless.  They are extremely special to God and to us.  Their roots are their firm foundations from which they derive all the nourishment that they need to grow and flourish.   

Ask yourselves, are my children’s roots getting the spiritual nourishment that they need?  Where are my children drawing or deriving their spiritual nourishment from?  Each parent should be readily able to answer these questions.  

Children will derive spiritual nourishment from having the Bible come alive to them and knowing God personally.  Make sure that they attend church regularly and participate in the children’s ministry at your church.  Many people make the mistake in believing that the children’s ministry is just a babysitting service while parents attend the adult church.   As a former children’s lay minister, I can assure you that it is not!  Your children will learn the Word of God at their age levels.   

Be sure to supplement what they learn at church with material at home and monitor their activities.  Once a week church attendance is just not enough in this very noisy, turbulent world that is trying to steal their attention.   Some of the things you can consider are the following: having a short, daily memory verse from the Bible that your family can read and share; talking with them about what they learned in church; praying with them daily; having books about biblical heroes and Bible topics easily accessible for them to read; and having them watch Christian movies and listen to Christian music.  Be sure to discuss with them relevant topics to get their thoughts and feedback.