Child’s Self-Expression

5 Important Benefits that Children Derive from Coloring Books

Children love to draw and color! They use crayons and markers to make their own designs and color combinations.  For them, any and every color can be useful.  It is so wonderful to watch them!   

Have you ever considered that there are at least 5 benefits to their coloring?  Experts agree that those benefits include:

  • It helps their motor skills and coordination – As children hold a crayon or marker and color with it, they are using their brains, hands, and fingers to develop their motor skills and coordination.

  • It helps them to focus – When a child is coloring, the child is very intentional and focused.  Concentrating on a specific thing is beneficial for children to learn.

  • It relieves stress – Yes, children do suffer from anxiety and stress, especially these days.  Be sensitive to your children’s moods and feelings.  Have plenty of coloring books available.

  • It encourages creativity and self-expression – As a child selects a specific color, the child is using his/her own creativity and means of self-expression.  It is important that we never criticize our children for their color choices.  If your child colors a tree purple, simply ask why?  I’m sure your child will tell you a very good reason!

  • It develops patience in them – As they color a picture, they will take their time and then see the end result, which they will be very proud of and have a sense of accomplishment in.  Keep those pictures and put them in places where they can be displayed for a while.  I still have in my possession today pictures that my sons, who are now adults, colored.

If you are considering purchasing coloring books, my children’s books have been transformed into coloring books too.  Your children will learn as they use their artistic abilities to color.  This is an additional important benefit for them.  Please visit our website to purchase them.

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