
Be Sure to Schedule Time for Free Play for Your Children

Just what is free play for children?  We adults often think that children regularly play, so what is the significance of free play?  Free play is unstructured play that children direct on their own.  It is play that helps develop a child’s creativity and well-being and is essential to a child’s growth.   

There is an excellent online article at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education’s website about free play Summertime, Playtime by Leah Shaffer.  Ms. Shaffer lists 3 types of play: social play, when children play with others; independent play, when children play by themselves, such as with stuffed animals and building blocks; and guided play, when children play according to what adults have set up.   

Playing has many benefits such as:

  • Intellectual development – “Play builds executive function skills, content knowledge, and creative thinking. When children build with blocks or draw, they are counting, classifying, and creating and examining patterns. When children engage in dramatic play, they are practicing telling stories in a sensible order, using rich vocabulary, and writing.”

  • Social development – Children learn how to interact with others and listen.

  • Emotional development – Children learn about their emotions and how to regulate them.

  • Physical development – Children play using their bodies, often through sports or other physical activity, and try new things, such as swimming underwater. 

How can you help your children have free play?  First, have plenty of the right kinds of “toys” available. Some recommendations are building blocks, Lego, crayons and paper, stuffed animals, and stickers.  Keep a few empty cardboard boxes around too.  Second, plan ahead and set aside the time.  For example, take your children to a park to just run around and play.  Invite some of their friends over to play.  And, make sure that there are no devices with screens involved! Third, don’t give in to your children’s cries of “I’m bored!”  Encourage them to create ways to play and have fun. 

To read the entire article and another helpful article, please visit: