
Discussing with Your Children about Good Friday - the Death of Jesus – on April 10

One of the important hats that I wear is being a children’s author of faith-based books.  My book It’s Not About You Mr. Easter Bunny – A Love Letter About the True Meaning of Easter tells not only the history of how “Easter” originated with bunnies and baby chicks, but of course also about the most important event in Christianity – the death and resurrection of Jesus.  To augment your discussions or if you have not yet purchased my book, today’s blog addresses talking with your children about the day designated as “Good Friday”- the death of Jesus on the cross.          

Writer Erin Mohrin said it well in her online article entitled Good Friday and Children: Making the Cross Real to Your Kids:

It is important to me that our children feel the contrast between Good Friday and (Resurrection) Sunday, because without the darkness, the light won’t shine as bright. God’s great love for us went on full display at the Cross. Experience that love with your children this year.

The death of Jesus on the cross is indeed a very sad occurrence but the focus should not be just on His physical death, but also the meaning of it.  The cross represents pain and joy – the pain that Jesus felt when He was crucified and the joy we experience because Jesus died for our sins.  It shows His overwhelming love for us and the extent to which He went to make sure that we would have everlasting life with Him in heaven.

There are many activities that children can do.  The links below provide conversation starters with your children as well as an art activity.  Please spend some time with your children to help them understand what Jesus did for us.

For more information, please visit:

Is One of Your New Year’s Resolutions Spending More Time in the Word?

When I saw this a couple of months ago, I was truly convicted.   How do you feel about this?  Can you spend more time in the Bible rather on an electronic device or social media? It’s actually a two-prong approach – cut back on what can be simply busyness and concentrate on what really provides nourishment and direction for us as Christians.

My cell phone provides me with a calculation each week about how much screen time I have spent.  After reading this, I tried really hard to cut back on using it and I was amazingly successful.  I have to keep it up though and not let one month’s reduction in usage be just that.

Concomitantly, I didn’t fill the void by watching tv or with other frivolity.  I made a commitment to spend more time with the Bible - reading and meditating on God’s Word.  What makes studying the Word so wonderful is that it is living and active and powerful.  Hebrews 4:12. There is never a dull moment.  Verses that I have known and memorized for years can have new, fresh meanings and application to me as I renew my study.     

As you spend less time on the phone and on social media, you will inevitably have more time to seek direction from the Lord and be there for your loved ones.  In my opinion, there is not a better way to spend your time!

Welcome in a New Year and a New Decade!

As the new year and a new decade approach, let’s be excited about all the possibilities in the future.  God has promised to bless us exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine.  (Ephesians 3:20) Isn’t that an amazing promise?  I pray that you experience exceeding joy, hope, love and peace in 2020.  Happy New Year!

Jesus is the Greatest Gift of All!

On this Christmas Day, please consider its special meaning.  As you and your family open gifts, remember the greatest gift of all was given to us by our Father and it was His Son Jesus.  God is the gift giver and He gave us the most precious thing that He could ever give! Let’s give Him honor and glory for all that He has done.  Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

Activities for the Whole Family to Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus

The day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is this Sunday.  I don’t like to refer to it as “Easter” because that word is of pagan origins.  Besides attending a morning service at church, do you have anything planned as part of the celebration?  Here are a few ideas to make the festivities more fun and informative for the entire family.

1.    Decorations. Before the event, make streamers or tabletop centerpieces on the theme of the holiday. Dove or cross streamers are a lovely touch to an indoor or outdoor space. The same goes for signs with bible verses on them. You can find several other decoration ideas online or come up with them yourself!

2.    Crafts Table. Whether you plan to invite friends over or choose to keep it as a family celebration, a crafts table is always a good idea. There could be coloring pages based on the biblical story, stencils to make doves and crosses, even paint and markers to illustrate a favorite story or memory.  These creative ideas will keep children occupied while the adults greet guests, prepare the spread, or just relax. Do not let the kids have all the fun though, as adults can join in on the crafts table too!

3.    The Feast. Speaking of a spread, you can spice things up this year by making a meal reminiscent of the Last Supper. Though the Bible is clear that unleavened bread and wine were served at the Last Supper, the other foods Jesus and his disciples ate are not stated.  What is known is that foods such as date charoset and cholent were popular at the time and you can now find these recipes online. Your children can help you. Older kids can prep much of the food or assist with the cooking process itself. Younger children can be put in charge of the food display and be little taste testers too. While everyone is partaking in the meal, discuss the significance of the Last Supper in reference to the resurrection of Christ. What a great way to get the whole family involved!

4.    Resurrection. Now that you have shared the significance of the meal relative to His resurrection, discuss the resurrection itself. To make it a little more interactive, prepare certain discussion points with your children ahead of time. If there are guests over, consider playing a game at the end of the story using questions about details from it. Whoever answers the most questions correctly then wins the game and will get a prize!

These are a few suggestions that you and your family can consider in celebrating this most eventful time in Christian history, always remembering the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for us.

You can also check out my children’s book It’s Not About You, Mr. Easter Bunny- A Love Letter About the True Meaning of Easter, along with its coloring pages by CLICKING HERE.

During All the Gift Giving and Receiving This Christmas, Please Remember the Greatest Gift of All!

“Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.”

2 Corinthians 9:15

While we are all busy giving and receiving gifts this year, we can easily get caught up in the material aspect of Christmas.  As Christians though, it is critical that we remember and celebrate the greatest gift that was ever given to us.  God gave His only Son to us as a special gift!  The scripture verse at 2 Corinthians 9:15 succinctly sums up the reason for the season. 

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!

It Is Essential to Forgive Others as the Lord Has Forgiven You

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
— Colossians 3:13

What is a simple seven letter word that is very hard to do?  Forgive.  No matter how many times we are told that forgiveness is an act that benefits the forgiver more than the person being forgiven, we still often view it as a tough task, usually because of our pride.  Not only can refusing to forgive be detrimental to us physically, but also spiritually.

Forgiveness is not an option in living a Christian lifestyle, but rather a requirement.  Colossians 3:13, our scripture text, actually commands us to forgive as God has first forgiven us.  It does not say that we are allowed to forgive sometimes, depending on what that person has done to us.  We are to always forgive – period.

One of the most poignant stories of forgiveness for me in modern times was when Pope John Paul II forgave the man who tried to assassinate him in 1981.  The shooter fired many shots, four of which hit the Pope.   He lost a great deal of blood but survived.  The shooter was caught and sentenced to life in prison.  Two years later, the Pope visited the would-be assassin in prison and forgave him.  The two emerged from the visit as friends.  But, the Pope even went further.  He requested that the shooter be pardoned, and he eventually was, and became a Christian. 

Now that is forgiveness in action!

Sharing Jesus With Your Children

Sharing Jesus With Your Children

As a lay children’s minister for many years, I loved teaching children about Jesus in my church’s children’s ministry.  We used a variety of techniques, from puppet shows to funny skits, to dressing up in clown costumes to fun parties.  Everything was centered on the Word of God. Of course, I was trained to do what I did and relied upon the creativity that God gave me as well.

Many parents find it hard or uncomfortable to talk about Jesus with their children.  But, it shouldn’t be that way as parents are the first teachers of and role models for their children.

When talking with children about Jesus, I recommend to focus first on how much He loves them and wanted to be around children.  Describe some of the instances in the New Testament about Jesus and children.  When the disciples tried to keep the children away from Him, Jesus stopped them and made sure the children were allowed to come to Him.  He said that the kingdom of God belonged to them too.  Matthew 19:13-14; Mark 10:13-16.  One day, He took a child in His arms and told the people that if anyone receives a child in His Name receives Jesus and God, the Father.  Mark 9:36-37.  To illustrate the importance of children, He also told the people that children are not to be despised as their angels in heaven continually see the face of God.  Matthew 18:10.  And, He loved children so very much that He said it was not the will of God that any child should perish.  Matthew 18:14.

I further recommend that parents not limit talking about Jesus and spiritual issues to just Sundays.  All during the week, look for instances to talk about the goodness and love of God such as the beauties of nature; food to eat; a good home to live in; nice clothes to wear; and fun toys and games to play with.  Talk to them about how forgiving God is. The subjects are endless.  What is important is that your children see and hear about God every day. 

When you need assistance, surf the internet to find out what you can do.  There is quite a bit of information available to help parents.          

Speaking Bible Blessings Over Your Children

Speaking Bible Blessings Over Your Children

Have you thought about speaking Bible blessings over your children today?  Before Jesus began His ministry, God publicly spoke His approval and love.  So, follow God’s example.

The Greatest Christmas Gift of All Time

As we are busy making our plans and buying gifts for our friends and loved ones for Christmas, let us not lose focus about why we celebrate Christmas in the first place.   As Christians, we believe that Jesus was the greatest gift ever given to mankind.  God gave us His only son Jesus so that we could have eternal life.  Why did God do this for us?  John 3:16 gives us the answer: because of His immense love for us.  

The true meaning of Christmas is found in its name: “Christ”, who is Jesus and “mas” which is a celebration.  Christmas is an extremely special day for us.  I encourage you to spend time worshiping Jesus and thanking Him for all that He has done for you and your loved ones.   From my family to yours - have a blessed and peaceful Christmas!

Author Soraya Diase Coffelt

As Mothers, Do We Know the Importance of the Children We Gave Birth To?

    This Christmas season, one of my most favorite songs is “Mary, Did You Know?” written by Mark Lowry.  In that song, Mary is asked whether she knew how great her child Jesus would be.  Did Mary know that her son would walk on water?  That he would calm the storm with his hand?  As she kissed his face, did she know that he had come to save us?  That he was the Lord of all creation?  The questions continue throughout the song.

    I love this song because I wonder what Mary thought about her son as she caressed him in her arms.  She was chosen by God to fulfill this critical role.  And as a mother, I think about my own sons.  I believe that I too was chosen by God to be the mother of my sons.  Do I truly know how important my sons are to God and how important they will be to their generation and generations to follow?  Do I expect greatness and importance out of them?  When they were babies, I held them in my arms and loved them as only a mother could.  And, yes, I do expect great things from my sons, because of who they are in Christ.  I know that God has great destinies for them.  

Author Soraya Diase Coffelt